Chicago Dog Daycare Hours

Dog Daycare Hours

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Please note that reservations are required on all days, including weekdays and weekends, even if you have a prepaid package.

Weekend daycare may have less availability during the Summer and late Fall, due to high boarding volume associated with people traveling. We have high availability for weekend daycare during the late Fall through early Spring.

On weekdays:

6:45am - 12:00pm
Any time until 7:00 pm

Dogs who are not picked up by 7:00pm are subject to being boarded for the night. You cannot call at 7:30 pm and say you're on your way, as our staff must leave for the night. If you believe you will be late, you can ask a friend to pick up for you. At the very least, please call us.

On Weekends:

7:00am - 12:00pm
Any time until 6:00pm

Weekend daycare may not be available on major holidays due to a high volume of boarding dogs. Please call for availability on major holidays.
Chicago Dog Boarding
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