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Boarding Rating:
Excellent, I'm very satisfied
Mostly satisfied but I have some concerns
Somewhere in between
Mostly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Most dogs who have been boarding or are in daycare can be very tired when they get home. This is very normal, because they will have likely been very active throughout the day. Even if they don't play much, they may not be used to being awake that much during the day. Do not be alarmed by this unless it persists after several days.
Missing belongings?
We're very sorry if an item you brought wasn't returned to you at checkout. We find that to be unnacceptable and have a detailed process in place to try to ensure it doesn't happen. Having said that, in our experience, oftentimes a customer thinks they gave us an item at checkin, but actually take it with them and later find it in their car or home. Please double check for that. In addition, it is actually very rare that an item is truly 'lost' - it may be in a place our staff doesn't expect (the laundry for example), or it's possible that another customer mistakenly took it home because some items are very similar to each other. If it is here, we will normally find it very soon. We do want you to know that if our staff cannot find your item, we will reimburse you for it and again, we understand it is not acceptable.
We have water available to all the dogs at all times, including in their boarding suite at night and on the play floor. Even still, some dogs may not drink as much as they should, and it's difficult for us to monitor this.
The typical reasons that a dog may be thirsty:
They may have been too excited during play to be bothered with drinking water
Playing takes a lot of energy, and may require more water than a dog realized
Some dogs are a little 'stressed' during daycare or boarding, even though they may be happily playing. This doesn't necessarily mean they had a bad time, but it could cause them to be a little more thirsty than usual.
We advise that you just put out some water, but don't let your dog drink too much too fast, or this could lead to vomiting. Just put out a little at a time, and once your dog gets plenty of rest, he should be back to normal.
Got back extra food?
If you received extra food back that you thought should have been given during your dog's stay, please don't assume that we just didn't feed properly or that your dog got someone else's food. Some dogs simply don't eat very well when boarding, so any leftover food most likely represents what they wouldn't eat. This is true even if your dog gulps down every meal at home and you can't believe he wouldn't eat it all here. We have a very sophisticated tool to ensure that all the dogs here are fed according to schedule. At each attempt, we give them a long time period to eat, and anything they don't eat, we roll into the next meal. Anything they don't eat during the day is put into their boarding suite at night. So, we do try multiple times, and we log every attempt in our system. You can feel free to ask about your dog's entire feeding log, and we are happy to talk through it with you. We don't necessarily call a customer every time their dog doesn't eat, unless that occurs for several meals in a row and our staff are concerned. We also don't necessarily automatically go through the entire feeding log when you check out, unless you request it, because a dog not eating some meals is such a common occurrence. We do want to assure you that we take feeding very seriously, and while it's slightly possible that a mistake was made, it's not very probable and there is most likely a logical explanation.
We take it very seriously if your dog has any injury and greatly apologize if this is the case.
How could an injury happen?
Any time that dogs are together, the potential exists for an injury, and that may not involve any fights. Here are some examples:
When dogs play, they typically bite and scratch at each other. It can just take a second for a play bite to turn into something a little worse.
One dog gets in another dog's face, and the other one doesn't like it and snaps back a little bit. Sometimes that snap could connect, causing a bite injury. Sometimes the first dog doesn't react well to that snap it and retaliates.
Sometimes dogs can become possessive over something, such as a water bowl, a staff member, the door, and so forth, and can become unpredictable
Sometimes a dog can be a little snappier than normal because it is tired
A new dog may enter the room and be overwhelmed. Other dogs come up to sniff, and it could react poorly
We have a large staff who constantly watch the dogs in play. They separate dogs whose play may be escalating, and they remove dogs from play who are showing aggressive behavior. However, they can't be with every single dog every single moment, and it can be challenging to keep the above scenarios from happening in all cases.
Do you allow aggressive dogs in play?
"Aggressive" is a very subjective term and is rarely so black and white for most dogs. For instance, a dog might be fine for several days while in boarding, but something sets it off unexpectedly. If a dog shows clear and repeated signs of aggression, we do remove him from play. It is not very common for a dog to be in play like this to begin with, because most owners already know how their dog plays before they start boarding here.
Staff didn't notify you?
Our staff members are very attentive to all of the dogs in our care, and the vast majority of the time, they will be aware of any injuries that occur. They are required to notify you immediately if they notice anything out of the ordinary. We would never notice something and intentionally not tell you, hoping you wouldn't find out. Normally if there is an injury that went unnoticed, it is a scrape or minor cut that is underneath the dog's fur and not easily noticed unless you were really checking throroughly. This would typically be caused by another dog's nail or tooth, simply by playing together. It is highly unlikely that your dog was in a fight, received an injury, and nobody called you about it. Please don't assume the worst.
Requires veterinary care?
If your dog does have an injury that requires veterinary care and that is due to injury from another dog, please keep in mind that we take several steps to help you:
We will reimburse you for up to $250, in accordance with our Health Warranty Program
We can watch your dog during the day in our facility during any recuperation time needed, so that you don't have to come back from work during the day
Scrapes or scabs?
Most of the time, any scrapes or scabs are simply from dogs playing with each other. Many of them bite and paw at each other during play, and it just takes a second for a scrape or skin irritation to occur. This is especially true if one of the dogs plays a little roughly, or if a dog has thin skin with little protective fur (e.g., boxers and bulldogs). Typically, to keep it from occurring would be to keep the dog out of play, but most people would rather have their dog in play than not.
Scrapes can turn into scabs after play, including after the dog goes home. Some owners are shocked to see these scabs, assume that their dog was in a fight, and are upset that a staff member hasn't called to notify them. However, please bear in mind that it can be very challenging for our staff to notice scrapes or scabs like that, especially if there were no signs of blood, nothing was scabbed over yet, and if we had no reason to thoroughly check the dog's entire body. If there were a fight, you can be assured that we would call you.
Collar damage?
We strongly dissuade you from bringing a nice collar when you come for boarding or daycare. This is communicated in our confirmation e-mails and Online Checkin tool. While dogs are playing, it can take just a matter of seconds for the collar to receive chew marks or become otherwise damaged. Our staff members try to watch for this, but cannot be expected to keep this from happening for every single dog at every single moment. We cannot be held responsible for damages to your collar, and simply ask that you bring one that you won't mind receiving chew marks.
Diarrhea or seeming sick?
Dogs rarely go home sick from Tucker Pup's. We keep everything very clean, don't allow sick dogs to come here, ensure that all vaccinations are up to date, and we remove any dogs from the playgroup who show signs of sickness. If your dog showed any such signs while here, we would call you immediately.
If a dog does become sick, some people get very upset and blame us, thinking "they got my dog sick." This would be similar to taking your child to school then getting upset at the school or teachers if your child caught a cold. Please keep in mind that we don't get dogs sick - other dogs do.
The most prevalent health condition that dogs experience after daycare or boarding would be minor diarrhea once they get home. This is normally caused by stress, not by catching something contagious from another dog. It can be easily treated with plenty of rest, and some rice mixed in to their diet for a few days. It normally does not require a trip to the veterinarian.
In addition, there is always the possibility that a dog comes in with a health condition that the owner may not even be aware of, doesn't show any signs of being sick himself, and passes it to someone else. This is impossible to stop.
Further, as disgusting as it sounds, some dogs eat poop, or they may step in another dog's poop and lick their paws. This can cause them to become sick (including getting giardia) or have diarrhea. We try very hard to keep this from happening, but some dogs race to it, and our staff members may not notice that it has happened.
If your dog is coughing, it may or may not be "canine cough" (aka kennel cough). Most of the time, it is from the dog barking a lot while here, in combination with wearing itself down during play. It is actually very uncommon for a dog to have canine cough after coming here. It is possible that a dog could be carrying the canine cough virus but not be showing signs, then pass it to others. However, if this happened, we would normally know it very quickly because multiple dogs would get it.
If your dog requires veterinary care as a result of boarding, please keep in mind that we would reimburse you for up to $250 in accordance with our Health Warranty Program.
Scraped nose?
Most dogs do fine in a boarding suite. However, some of them get a little anxious and may rub their nose against the front of the suite. This could happen throughout the night, and would obviously look bad the next day. By then, it could be too late for our staff to do much about it except seek medical care. Sometimes it may not be noticeable at first. However, if your dog is here for multiple nights and our staff notice that it is happening, they are instructed to take corrective action such as putting a blanket over the front of the suite, applying nose balm, and calling you.
Training Rating:
Excellent, I'm very satisfied
Mostly satisfied but I have some concerns
Somewhere in between
Mostly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Wondering about the trainer's experience?
All of our trainers have successfully trained many dogs using positive reinforcement techniques. They have heard almost every question there is, stay continually updated on the latest research with dog training, and keep in close contact with other trainers in the industry. We do want to assure you that any concerns you have are not related to whether they have adequate experience.
Felt that the trainer didn't cover enough in class?
Our curriculum is carefully designed to cover the appropriate amount based on the nature of the course. We have found that our curriculum has worked very well over the years based on seeing results and hearing feedback from our customers. We also compare notes with other top trainers to help ensure that our course designs are in line with what is happening in the industry.
If you have taken a course from another trainer, it may be possible that their topics or level of discussion is different than ours. That is to be expected, as they all have different backgrounds and styles.
Please also keep in mind that with a lot of behaviors, a beginner course would start with a certain topic, and the advanced course would further that topic. If something hasn't been covered yet, it is likely to be covered in the next level of the course (e.g., Life Skills 2).
Finally, if you need additional help about a specific topic, you can likely speak with the trainer over the phone and/or in a private lesson.
Felt that the trainer covered too much?
The trainer covers a lot of topics in class, and it is understandable that you may think it's going too fast or that it feels like information overload. That is partly because taking in new information of any type can seem overwhelming, especially if the information is different than your pre-existing knowledge base.
Based on customer feedback and our knowledge of what other leading trainers cover, we do find that the amount of information we cover is appropriate for most people.
When people feel overwhelmed, typically we find that they haven't practiced in between classes, haven't read the materials, and haven't asked the trainer for additional help. Please ensure that this is not the case for you, and remember that the trainer is there to teach YOU how to train your dog. The actual learning happens in between classes when you implement their techniques.
Frustrated that your dog isn't progressing fast enough?
Remember that you're trying to impose human rules and language on a completely different species. Some of them take longer than others, and this is OK. Don't give up. It may have to do with factors such as their background or your home environment. Many people attribute it to the dog's breed or genetics, but we don't believe that is true; the laws of learning are universal for all dogs. When used correctly, effective, science-based techniques are going to work with the vast majority of dogs, regardless of age or breed.
For some dogs, it is not realistic that they would exhibit new behavior just because you've gone to some classes or private lessons - they primarily learn through repetition and rewards. Many people stop practicing once the course or session is over and they assume the dog has learned everything it will learn. Even several years from now, we challenge you to continue practicing the techniques with your dog when you have opportunities (going on walks, going to the beach, etc.), and making them harder and harder over time. Training is a lifelong commitment that should be very rewarding for you and your dog. Don't stop, then expect your dog to retain it all.
Also remember that the most important factor in your dog's progression is you and the other people in the dog's life. Did you come to the all the classes? Practice between classes or private lessons? Read all the materials given and suggested by the trainer? Commit to the techniques that were suggested? Ensure that each person in the dog's life is consistent? Use the right rewards, tone of voice, and body language?
Wondering about the trainer's techniques?
Positive reinforcement
If your dog is still not listening well, it may be tempting to blame the positive reinforcement techniques that you're being taught. After all, you may have been spanked as a child, but you turned out alright. However, we strongly believe that positive reinforcement techniques are the most effective way to teach dogs, and we stand by our model based on many years of experience. Any other methods typically combine fear and punishment, and most dogs do not demonstrate long-term behavioral change in that environment - they often revert back to unwanted behaviors. We do assure you that our methods are in line with leading trainers across the world, plus are advocated by many dog professionals including veterinarians.
The crucial element for success is you. If you commit to working with your dog each night, being very consistent, reading the materials given and suggested to you, and changing your dog handling behavior, you will be amazed at the differences you may see.
Grooming Rating:
Excellent, I'm very satisfied
Mostly satisfied but I have some concerns
Somewhere in between
Mostly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Want something to be redone?
If you are not satisfied with the groom after it is finished, we want you to let us know right away, and we may be able to make any adjustments free of charge, within certain guidelines:
We must attempt these adjustments within two days of the groom
We cannot make free adjustments if you are attempting to change the service you originally requested. For example, if you asked for a bath but decided afterwards that you wanted a haircut instead, this would require a new appointment at the normal price
If you request deshedding, it is normal for your dog to keep shedding directly after your appointment. Give it some time, and you may need to brush out your dog once or twice yourself to help get out the dead hair follicles. If this continues consistently, we can attempt it again within the next two days after your groom.
Unhappy with the cut or style?
Why is it like this?
If a customer isn't happy with a grooming job, we normally trace the issue back to a miscommunication when the dog was checked in. For example, a customer says "Make it short" or "Give a puppy cut" or "Just the regular schnauzer look." We try to be very specific when discussing your instructions, but from time to time there is a difference in definition about a term such as "short." All groomers have different styles and preferences, and all customers have different preferences, even for the same breed. In other words, there is no one way to groom a dog. It's a matter of us understanding your preferences and having a relationship where we can easily communicate with each other. By telling us your preferences, even after the fact, we can know better what you want the next time.
Another possibility is that some dogs are very squirmy or stressed during grooming. This can make the process much more challenging and could affect how the groomer approaches your dog. For example, if your dog really doesn't like the groomer to come near his face, she may not be able to follow your exact instructions. Further, some dogs who become too stressed could have a reaction such as fainting, pooping on themselves, or trying to bite the groomer. This will obviously have an impact on what we can and cannot do, as we cannot put your dog or our staff in harm's way.
What should be done to correct it?
If you feel there is any hair that should still be trimmed, please don't try to correct it yourself. You could actually make the situation worse, and the groomer wants to see the issue for themselves so they can address your concern, make any notes for next time, and make any modifications. Just call us and let us know when you can bring your dog back, and our groomer will try to make any modifications possible.
If the groomer had held off because your dog was too stressed, you can always try again within a few days and we wouldn't necessarily charge you again. For some dogs it just takes repetition, and we do want it to work out for you.
How can we keep this from happening in the future?
We have a sophisticated computer system for storing notes, photos, and instructions about dogs. If you let us know how you feel about something (e.g., 'I like the head to be longer') we will put a note in your record that we will use each time you come in. You can also supply us with a photo that you want us to follow, and we will keep the photo in our system.
Afraid the groomer is inexperienced?
Any groomer we ever employ who cuts hair must have many years of professional experience, solid references, and an ongoing track record of many positive comments from our customers. We don't want you to assume that 'the groomer just doesn't know what they are doing' because that is not the case.
Was your dog matted?
If you are concerned because your dog was matted and now is shorter than you prefer, we strongly encourage you to book every 6-8 weeks, and brush your dog properly multiple times per week. This should help minimize matting in your dog's coat. Please note that there can be an underlying skin condition under mats, such as a rash, scrape, or hot spot. This is because the skin has not been properly exposed to oxygen if it has been trapped underneath a mat.
Bleeding nail?
We're sorry if any of your dog's nails have blood on them. We do try to be very careful about this, and if our staff notices that a nail has bled, we do try to clean it up and care for it immediately.
Why would it bleed?
Most nails are black, and the vein on the inside (the 'quick') can be very close to the edge. If this is the case, the staff would have no way of knowing that they would be hitting that vein, and from our perspective, you can't really blame us for that, as it is not necessarily a sign of being careless. In addition, if the vein is extended to the edge, it may not be that the clipper caused it to bleed. Sometimes this occurs if your dog leaves the facility and walks on the sidewalk, which could rough up the tip of the nail. Further, if it bled and we applied styptic powder, your dog may have chewed that area afterwards, or again, the sidewalk could cause the styptic powder to loosen up. Also, the blood may be thin and not clot very easily, causing the styptic powder to be less effective.
Why would the vein be out to the edge?
This most often occurs if it has been a long time since the nails were last clipped. In order to avoid this problem, you would need to keep your dog's nails trimmed regularly because each time you do, the veins will recede.
What should be done differently next time?
Most importantly, if the quick is to the edge, you need to trim the nails every two weeks to make it recede. We do grind nails and can try this, although some dogs don't tolerate it, as it can be noisy.
How do you treat a bleeding nail?
Our groomer will normally apply styptic powder, which should stop bleeding very quickly. If you need to treat this at home, you can purchase styptic powder at a store like Petco, or you could apply baking soda, corn starch, or flour.
Is my dog in pain?
Normally any bleeding is a very minor amount and is not necessarily painful. If your dog was showing any signs of pain while here, our staff are instructed to call you immediately and take necessary action.
What if my dog has to go to the vet?
It is normally not necessary to take a dog to the vet due to a minor amount of blood on their nail. However, if you really feel this is necessary, you should go, and call us to discuss.
Nail(s) still too long?
If you believe the nails are still too long, you should feel free to ask about it and we may be able to go lower. However, the likely answer is that the quicks (the inner veins) were too long and would bleed if trimmed. Our staff does not want for this to occur, so they can only go so far. If this is the case, you would need to bring your dog in for nail-trimming every few weeks until those veins recede. Another possible answer is that your dog was too stressed, anxious, or aggressive when we tried. We don't want him to have a panic attack (which can be dangerous), and we don't want our staff to be injured. We do grind nails and can try this, although some dogs don't tolerate it. If this is the case, we may be able to try again in the near future at no additional charge, or you may have to sedate him at the vet and have them do it. Please note that if you don't trim your dog's nails regularly, they could curl around and grow into his paw pads, they could be uncomfortable to walk on, and/or your dog could chew on them and damage an entire nail, requiring a vet visit. Bottom line: let's have a dialogue and try to figure out the best solution. We only want what is best for your dog.
Small scrape or cut?
Sometimes a dog can have a small cut on its skin after grooming. Most people assume that "the groomer nicked my dog with scissors and didn't tell me." This is extremely unlikely, as it wouldn't be smart for us to knowingly cause your dog to bleed, not tell you, then hope you won't notice it at home. The most likely cause is that a dog's nails can be sharp after having them trimmed, and his skin may seem a little itchy at first (this is very common after grooming) so he accidentally scratches himself with his own nail. This can especially be true in the groin region, where a dog's skin can be very thin and sensitive. Pleae note that our groomers do not use scissors near a dog's groin or other sensitive areas. They use electric clippers, which are the equivalent of a person's electric razor. Just as when you shave with an electric razor, it is extremely unlikely that clippers could cut skin. If there is a scrape, it could be from the brush, or from the dog scratching himself either before or after the groom.
Stressed or nervous?
Some dogs are stressed by being groomed. After all, they are on a table in a strange place, with a stranger trying to handle them in ways that are not natural to them. In addition, if a dog is really matted or tangled, being brushed could be a little uncomfortable, and having someone touch and clip his nails can be really stressful for some. One way or another, you should not assume that your dog is stressed due to being mistreated by our staff, because that is extremely unlikely. We would never tolerate having a staff member causing any type of physical or verbal abuse towards any dog here. Our groomers are very professional and are only very nice and patient to the dogs in our care. For most dogs, the answer is simply to come here regularly for grooming so they can get better used to the experience. You might also consider talking with our trainer about ways to help your dog cope with being groomed.
Prices seem expensive?
Please keep in mind that some grooming businesses are much more expensive than us, and a few may be slightly less. We are trying for our prices to be in the middle, and they are based on typical market rates. We also try to make our grooming prices be very consistent from one reservation to the next, and from one customer to the next. Any differences could be attributed to how much extra work went into your dog's grooming appointment, such as de-matting or special handling. In the end, we feel that our prices are fair and at a reasonable level for one of the top grooming businesses in Chicago. We also believe that you get what you pay for.
Daycare Rating:
Excellent, I'm very satisfied
Mostly satisfied but I have some concerns
Somewhere in between
Mostly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Most dogs who have been boarding or are in daycare can be very tired when they get home. This is very normal, because they will have likely been very active throughout the day. Even if they don't play much, they may not be used to being awake that much during the day. Do not be alarmed by this unless it persists after several days.
We have water available to all the dogs at all times, including in their boarding suite at night and on the play floor. Even still, some dogs may not drink as much as they should, and it's difficult for us to monitor this.
The typical reasons that a dog may be thirsty:
They may have been too excited during play to be bothered with drinking water
Playing takes a lot of energy, and may require more water than a dog realized
Some dogs are a little 'stressed' during daycare or boarding, even though they may be happily playing. This doesn't necessarily mean they had a bad time, but it could cause them to be a little more thirsty than usual.
We advise that you just put out some water, but don't let your dog drink too much too fast, or this could lead to vomiting. Just put out a little at a time, and once your dog gets plenty of rest, he should be back to normal.
We take it very seriously if your dog has any injury and greatly apologize if this is the case.
How could an injury happen?
Any time that dogs are together, the potential exists for an injury, and that may not involve any fights. Here are some examples:
When dogs play, they typically bite and scratch at each other. It can just take a second for a play bite to turn into something a little worse.
One dog gets in another dog's face, and the other one doesn't like it and snaps back a little bit. Sometimes that snap could connect, causing a bite injury. Sometimes the first dog doesn't react well to that snap it and retaliates.
Sometimes dogs can become possessive over something, such as a water bowl, a staff member, the door, and so forth, and can become unpredictable
Sometimes a dog can be a little snappier than normal because it is tired
A new dog may enter the room and be overwhelmed. Other dogs come up to sniff, and it could react poorly
We have a large staff who constantly watch the dogs in play. They separate dogs whose play may be escalating, and they remove dogs from play who are showing aggressive behavior. However, they can't be with every single dog every single moment, and it can be challenging to keep the above scenarios from happening in all cases.
Do you allow aggressive dogs in play?
"Aggressive" is a very subjective term and is rarely so black and white for most dogs. For instance, a dog might be fine for several days while in boarding, but something sets it off unexpectedly. If a dog shows clear and repeated signs of aggression, we do remove him from play. It is not very common for a dog to be in play like this to begin with, because most owners already know how their dog plays before they start boarding here.
Staff didn't notify you?
Our staff members are very attentive to all of the dogs in our care, and the vast majority of the time, they will be aware of any injuries that occur. They are required to notify you immediately if they notice anything out of the ordinary. We would never notice something and intentionally not tell you, hoping you wouldn't find out. Normally if there is an injury that went unnoticed, it is a scrape or minor cut that is underneath the dog's fur and not easily noticed unless you were really checking throroughly. This would typically be caused by another dog's nail or tooth, simply by playing together. It is highly unlikely that your dog was in a fight, received an injury, and nobody called you about it. Please don't assume the worst.
Requires veterinary care?
If your dog does have an injury that requires veterinary care and that is due to injury from another dog, please keep in mind that we take several steps to help you:
We will reimburse you for up to $250, in accordance with our Health Warranty Program
We can watch your dog during the day in our facility during any recuperation time needed, so that you don't have to come back from work during the day
Scrapes or scabs?
Most of the time, any scrapes or scabs are simply from dogs playing with each other. Many of them bite and paw at each other during play, and it just takes a second for a scrape or skin irritation to occur. This is especially true if one of the dogs plays a little roughly, or if a dog has thin skin with little protective fur (e.g., boxers and bulldogs). Typically, to keep it from occurring would be to keep the dog out of play, but most people would rather have their dog in play than not.
Scrapes can turn into scabs after play, including after the dog goes home. Some owners are shocked to see these scabs, assume that their dog was in a fight, and are upset that a staff member hasn't called to notify them. However, please bear in mind that it can be very challenging for our staff to notice scrapes or scabs like that, especially if there were no signs of blood, nothing was scabbed over yet, and if we had no reason to thoroughly check the dog's entire body. If there were a fight, you can be assured that we would call you.
Collar damage?
We strongly dissuade you from bringing a nice collar when you come for boarding or daycare. This is communicated in our confirmation e-mails and Online Checkin tool. While dogs are playing, it can take just a matter of seconds for the collar to receive chew marks or become otherwise damaged. Our staff members try to watch for this, but cannot be expected to keep this from happening for every single dog at every single moment. We cannot be held responsible for damages to your collar, and simply ask that you bring one that you won't mind receiving chew marks.
Diarrhea or seeming sick?
Dogs rarely go home sick from Tucker Pup's. We keep everything very clean, don't allow sick dogs to come here, ensure that all vaccinations are up to date, and we remove any dogs from the playgroup who show signs of sickness. If your dog showed any such signs while here, we would call you immediately.
If a dog does become sick, some people get very upset and blame us, thinking "they got my dog sick." This would be similar to taking your child to school then getting upset at the school or teachers if your child caught a cold. Please keep in mind that we don't get dogs sick - other dogs do.
The most prevalent health condition that dogs experience after daycare or boarding would be minor diarrhea once they get home. This is normally caused by stress, not by catching something contagious from another dog. It can be easily treated with plenty of rest, and some rice mixed in to their diet for a few days. It normally does not require a trip to the veterinarian.
In addition, there is always the possibility that a dog comes in with a health condition that the owner may not even be aware of, doesn't show any signs of being sick himself, and passes it to someone else. This is impossible to stop.
Further, as disgusting as it sounds, some dogs eat poop, or they may step in another dog's poop and lick their paws. This can cause them to become sick (including getting giardia) or have diarrhea. We try very hard to keep this from happening, but some dogs race to it, and our staff members may not notice that it has happened.
If your dog is coughing, it may or may not be "canine cough" (aka kennel cough). Most of the time, it is from the dog barking a lot while here, in combination with wearing itself down during play. It is actually very uncommon for a dog to have canine cough after coming here. It is possible that a dog could be carrying the canine cough virus but not be showing signs, then pass it to others. However, if this happened, we would normally know it very quickly because multiple dogs would get it.
If your dog requires veterinary care as a result of boarding, please keep in mind that we would reimburse you for up to $250 in accordance with our Health Warranty Program.
General Rating:
Excellent, I'm very satisfied
Mostly satisfied but I have some concerns
Somewhere in between
Mostly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Your comments will go directly to the owner of Tucker Pup's, Jay Spainhour.
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Select Reminder Time
6:00 am
6:30 am
7:00 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
1:30 pm
2:00 pm
2:30 pm
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
8:00 pm
8:30 pm
9:00 pm
9:30 pm
10:00 pm
10:30 pm
11:00 pm
11:30 pm
This is to keep servers from automatically filling out this form. If there is a blank checkbox, you must click it. If there is a green checkmark, there is nothing more you need to do.