Chicago Dog Daycare Prices

Dog Daycare Prices

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We strive to be the best dog business in Chicago, and we believe that you get what you pay for. If you come take a tour, we believe you'll immediately see and feel the difference.

If you're trying to compare our prices with another business, you always need to analyze differences on an apples-to-apples basis. For example, we have a large outdoor space with grass, playground equipment, pools, sun, and shade. Most other daycares in Chicago do not have an outdoor space at all, or may have a small area with gravel or concrete. They may only have your dog in play for a short time each day, whereas here they are in play throughout the day for many hours, plus the opportunity for nap time. There are countless examples.

We advise that you do your research, take a tour of any business you are considering, and ask lots of questions.

The chart below summarizes some of the major differentiators that set us apart and make our pricing worth every penny:

Differentiator Tucker Pup's Others
Outdoor space with pools, playground equipment, sun, shade, and grass White Checkbox?
Separation into playgroups based on size and temperament White Checkbox?
Highest staff-to-dog ratio in Chicago White Checkbox?
Professional staff who are honest, responsive, knowledgeable, and truly care White Checkbox?
Unparalleled air system to minimize odor and airborne illness White Checkbox?
Open 6:45am - 7pm, 365 days per year White Checkbox?
Seamless flooring throughout to minimize bacteria White Checkbox?
Many hours in group play each day, plus nap time. You can request extra nap time or partial play White Checkbox?
Vigilantly require ongoing proof of updated vaccinations, including for Canine Influenza White Checkbox?
Prepaid packages have no expiration date or minimum usage requirement White Checkbox?
Daycare available on weekends White Checkbox?
Viewing window enabling you to see how your dog is doing in play White Checkbox?


First Dog:
Prepaid package of 20 days:
* Our most popular option *
($46 per day)
Prepaid package of 10 days:
($48 per day)
Individual days:
$55 per day
Second Dog:
Prepaid package of 20 days:
* Our most popular option *
($38 per day)
Prepaid package of 10 days:
($40 per day)
Individual days:
$50 per day
Third Dog and Beyond:

The price for a third dog resets as if it were the first dog. A fourth dog is priced as if it were the second dog.

Prepaid Packages

Please note that prepaid daycare packages:
  • Are refundable, at a pro-rated rate depending on usage
  • May not be transferred to another customer or service
  • Can only be used weekdays and weekends
  • Still require making a reservation
  • Never expire and have no minimum usage requirement
  • Must be paid for before using any days
  • Are automatically tracked in our system. We will notify you when your package will expire, and you can see your balance when logging in to our website

Weekend Daycare

Please note:
  • Weekend daycare is normally available in the off-season, including November through February, except for holiday weekends.
  • Pre-paid packages can be used for weekend daycare.
  • Reservations are required for weekends, as we must check availability.
  • Dogs must check in during the morning, between 7am and noon. This is for the safety of all the dogs in our care and helps minimize the chance of injury or aggression. Click here for our daycare hours.
Chicago Dog Boarding
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