Chicago Dog Training

Advanced Obedience Dog Training Classes


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Advanced Manners is the final step in our Manners series. The course builds on the previous level of obedience, but we now focus on 'field work,' where your dog is taught to work at a distance with hand signals. The distractions are more difficult, most of the class is done off-leash, and your dog will follow your commands through hand gestures only. Wouldn't you love it if your dog listened to you all the time, whether he could see you or not, whether you have a treat or not, if your back is turned, and even if there is no leash attached?

The course includes:
  • Training skills:  The course continues to build on loose leash walking, finishing, and more. It adds a variety of new skills off-leash, and at a distance
  • For example, we work on:
    • Heeling off-leash, and keeping pace even when you slow down, speed up, or go around turns
    • Performing cues from a long distance, with only hand gestures
    • Stopping on a dime and going directly into the down position
    • Coming to you and immediately going into the heel position
    • Lots of challenging sequences
    • And more
  • Access to TrainTrack™:

    • Videos of the exercises taught in class. This helps you remember all of the tips once you get home.
    • Written descriptions of the the exercises taught in class
    • The homework for each session
    • Ability to log your exercises and keep track of what you need to work on next

You've made it this far, so why not finish our Manners series and get the most out of your dog!

Advanced Manners Graduation Day (1:40)

Coconut has completed the Adult Manners, Intermediate Manners, and now the Advanced Manners classes. It has taught her to really listen to us much better. The trainer was great and did not hesitate to correct either the owners or the dogs to ensure that we are both getting the most out of the training session. I honestly can't believe how much Coconut has improved since the beginning of all this!!!

- Edith Liang

Number of classes: 6

Time duration: 1 hour per class

Prerequisites: Intermediate Manners at Tucker Pup's or similar training business. If you have gone somewhere else for training, you should speak with our trainer about what you have learned elsewhere and what is covered here

Ages: No age restrictions

Requirements: Click here

Schedule and prices:  Click here

Have questions? Call us at 312-829-8787, 365 days per year between 7am and 7pm

Not sure? You can have a free consultation with one of our experts to help decide if this is the right class for you

Don't delay - we take enrollment 365 days per year, and answer calls from 7am to 7pm each day. Any request submitted after 7pm will be processed the next morning. Classes fill up quickly.

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